Confidently Keto Spicy Sausage Soup with Parmesan
This recipe will warm your heart as well as your stomach! It is a double first for me: My first published recipe and the first recipe I have created after eating it in a restaurant. I was at a favorite restaurant where they have wonderful unusual soups. When I asked for the recipe the waiter just laughed and said, “I don’t think she has ever written one down. She just makes it up as she goes along” So I did my best to recreate it. It is so good I have made it 4 times in 10 days.
One 32 oz package Beef Broth
Two Brat Type Italian Sausage (I use mild but you can decide mild or spicy)
One Can of Diced Tomatoes (Use Low Carb)
1/4 Cup Chopped Onions
Two Cloves Garlic diced
One Tsp Cumin
3/4 Tsp White Pepper
4 large Tbs of Dry Grated Parmesan
Serves 4
Pour beef broth into large skillet or soup pot
Add drained tomatoes,
Bring to boil and let simmer.
Saute onion and garlic and ad to soup.
Add cumin and white pepper
Grill or Pan fry Sausage. I like to cut it in half lengthwise to fry.
Cut cooked sausage into 1/4 inch half round pieces and add to soup
Allow to simmer another 10 minutes
Serve with toasted parmesan on the side (I use the Toaster Oven
Pairs well with homemade Parm Crisps (Just make small piles of grated parmesan and put in toaster oven for about 5 minutes or until just start to brown around the edges)
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